a new year
January 28, 2010
My first post for the new year. Happy 2010!
The house is quiet today, both girls have returned to school after our lovely holidays.
I've always kept a tradition of taking the girls photos on their first day of school. This year one of my "series" of photos is now complete. Phoebe started in Year 6 today, the last first day of primary school for her. So I can finally make one of these... Seven years of "First Days"
This will be my last year of having a primary school child. I'm certain it will go by way too quickly. I'm sure it will be a great year, and it will be a busy year with all the sport and other activities lined up.
And she is the girl School Captain... so very proud of her.
My darling Emily has started Year 9! No photos this morning, but she assured me I'll be allowed to take some this afternoon, so we'll see!
Hope 2010 is good to you all.
Fiona x