I've been totally caught up with end of school things and packing orders for Ribbons Galore lately. My Christmas crafting and ideas has taken a back seat.
Mel, on the other hand, has been keeping us inspired with lots of Christmas crafting and cooking. So make sure you visit her blog for lots of her goodness.
In this post I'm sharing some Christmas party ideas for the kids. Phoebe had a Christmas party with her school friends yesterday. We organised a few activities to keep everyone happy.
Here are a few of the activities....
Pin the nose on the reindeer
This was Phoebe's design. She cut the eyes, mouth and antlers from cardboard and stuck them in place on a cork board. She then cut red circles for the noses and placed her friends' names on each one.

Everyone had a turn, blindfolded, to place the nose in the right place....

Decorate the mini Christmas trees
This is an old favourite in our house.

Using little wire Christmas trees, the girls decorate them with ribbon.

The girls sat for a long time decorating their trees... and chatting.

Santa pinata
This is a store bought santa which we found at Spotlight. Again, having a pinata is a favourite at Phoebe's parties.

We made little mini lollie bags to fill santa, as well as some chocolates.

Not sure who gave the final blow to break santa, but it was chaos when the lollies finally fell...

I hope to get a couple more posts up, now I have a little more time to relax before Christmas. I'm actually working on some little Christmas ornaments, so will be back soon.
Thanks for visiting.
Fiona x